New leaf springs...


Hi all,

I fitted new leaf springs (supplied by Milner's) to the Sporty a week ago. They are excellent as I previously had weedy single springs before that had sagged beyond flat!

The job was easy-ish with fair effort required to get the old springs out and the new ones in - expecially the frame bushes. Anyway, it's done and looks great. Onlt snag, I don't have a manual (will get one soon) so don't know how tight to do up the shackle nuts?

The bushed splay out guite a lot on the 'nut' side of each shackle when I start to tighten so I haven't wanted to 'over' tighten them. But the nut's - even with their split washers - work loose?

Should these be torqued to a specific number? Can anyone help with this.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


Nathan if you private message

Nathan if you private message me with an email addy I will send you the page from manual with tightening torques m8..they are for a 4 trak but should be pretty much the same on the sporty m8.