Blowing indicator fuse


Hi all, PLEASE tell me there is someone her that can help me sort this bugger out!!!!

I have an 'F' 89 Fourtrak which has been fine for the 6 months I've had it.

Just recently, and for no apparent reason, it keeps blowing the indicator fuse. I have also noticed that when the engine has its usual 'wobble' at idle speed, the indicators flicker when on.
The flicker either disappears or is faster when the revs increase.

I know this is probably a loose connection somewhere and the vibration is causing the flickering but does anyone know of a weak point where there could be a short in the circuit.

Thanks in advance, Jerry.

This has happened to me m8 on

This has happened to me m8 on my 88 track.It turned out to be some dodgy wiring on the towbar electrics.Also check the rear wiring loom under the vehicle.You will find it starts from under the passenger seat goes along underneath the vehicle and should be clipped and securely held. The clips rot and the loom can start to sag.Just in front of the nearside rear wheel arch the loom goes up and over a chassis cross beam..if the loom is lying on top of the cross beam it can chaff causing major problems...check yours is ok.
If you have no luck you can test the indicator circuit for continuity using a meter...a wiring diagram helps...alternatively you may have to visit your local friendly autoleccie

hope this is of some help to ya.

Funny you should say that!!

Yeah, I decided to strip out the old tow electrics and the flickering stopped. AHA, I thought but didn't take it out on the road, which is when it usually goes. I DID however, refit a brand new set of tow elecs and placed them on the nearside loom instead, just in case it was a bad connection somewhere on the old wiring. Spent ages in the red hot sun, got very burnt but was happy. Off I went to tesco for some BBQ coal and !POP!, fuse gone again!! Anyway, got another day off today so will have it up on the ramps and get a good look underneath. Thanks.

*** UPDATE ***

Ha, found the bugger. Smile

You were right about the rotten clip. Unfortunately the ribbed sleeve only goes as far as the cross member. The clip had gone above the exhaust and as a result had melted the insulation and exposed small sections of wire. I didn't see the need for a refit on those bits so a good dose of tape and a couple of cable ties. Will nip out and see in a bit. Thanks for the advice.