F20 clutch


I need some info on the clutch in my F20. It is stuffed and I need to know whether all of the 12r toyota motors take the same clutch. Has anybody any info on these??

I can't say for sertain but m

I can't say for sertain but my guess would be that the F20 has a difrent clutch plate, even if the housing is the same. The gearbox on the F20 is identicall (Exept the bell housing) to the F50, F70, F78, etc... So I'd guess the clutch plate is made to fit this. Wether any Toyota with a 12R has the same specification gearbox input shaft I couldn't say.
Not much help I know, but a starting point prehaps...

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.